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Michelle Harrison has been in the beauty industry since the early 90's.  Her career started working the front desk of a high end salon known to the Twin Cities.  Horst Salons, founder of Aveda was where she started the beginning of a long career in the field.  After graduating from college with a degree in Psychology, she knew that she wanted to continue working somehow in the beauty industry.  "I was a 5 year student in college.  When I graduated they told me I would have to continue to get my Masters in order to practice.  Burnt out at that time, I had an epiphany one day while driving.  I knew that I wanted to stay in the salon industry.  Psychology to me was about taking care of oneself on the inside, and esthiology was about taking good care of the outside."  A beautiful thing emerged. A marriage of the two fields intersected.  "I am still able to build trust, have a listening ear and gain a repoire with my clients, all while pampering them for their needs."  Along came Glow Skincare by Michelle.  It resonates from the inside out, your glow... I absolutely love what I do!   
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